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1 Universal Ideology of Economics, Invitation to Debate (mind)  386 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Universal Ideology of Economics, Invitation to Debate (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

...seems thorough and insightful.  ...I' ve asked my staff to review it.
Bill Clinton
Reissued in February 1999 for the Internet

Dr. I. S. Tuba
Founder and Executive Director
International Technology Institute

Essentially as published in the Proceedings of the
World Trade Center, Paris, France
May 13-15, 1992

Published by:
7125 Saltsburg Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15235

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Dear Recipient:

You are invited to participate in a Debate toward the creation of a "Universal
Ideology of Economics",-UIE-, for the world. It is intended to replace the
defunct Marxist - Leninist ideology, as well as stating, restating, defining,
redefining or modifying the capitalistic ideology, or any other economic
ideology you may believe in.

It should be stated in a short, simple manner, universally understandable by
anyone, anywhere in the world, regardless of their previous exposure to the
subject or their level of education.

An invitation for the Debate - and a basic proposition as a starting point of
the Debate - is attached from Dr. I. S. Tuba, as published last in the
"Proceedings of the International Congress on Technology and Technology
Exchange", Paris, France, 1992.

Some of Dr. Tuba's ideas on this subject were published as far back as 1955,
in Budapest, Hungary.

You are invited to provide comments on the UIE proposal, pro and con, or your
alternate ideas on the subject.

Your proposed changes to specific wordings are most welcomed, but general
comments, and discussions are welcomed as well.

Your response may be published, in a book titled "Universal Ideology of
Economics", Proceedings of a Debate.

As a participant of the Debate, you have automatic right to comment on anyone
else's contribution, as well as restating your own position.

We hope to hear from you as quickly as possible: E-mail:  

Sincerely yours,

International Technology Institute
Secretariat, UIE Debate

* * *


The author's purpose in writing this proposal is to stimulate public debate on
the necessity, urgency and practicality of a UNIVERSAL IDEOLOGY OF ECONOMICS
to be developed for the world population.

Basic to the ideology is the concept of Three Resources (first recognized and
defined by this author in 1955), essential to the economy of the world: -
natural, - human and -  human-generated. An expansion of what is included in
the category of human resources and the introduction of the concept of the
human generated third category is a dramatic change to the classical
communistic and socialistic economic thinking and would require indoctrination
on a wide scale for its adoption into the policies of the governments linked
to these political systems, even after the dramatic changes which have
recently taken place. To a lesser degree, the implications for the
capitalistic systems are just as important, particularly in realizing how the
newly defined resources can be utilized to increase the Standard of Living and
the Quality of Life (SQ) in a safe and secure environment for all, without the
classical accusations related to being an exploiter or being exploited.

A native of Hungary, Dr. Tuba grew up under a communist-controlled system and
thus has a broad, personal knowledge of the ideologies of such a system.

Escaping from Hungary in 1956, he came to the United States, enrolling in the
Camegie institute of Technology where he received an MSME and later a Ph.D. in
engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, while working full time for
Westinghouse Electric Corporation. From 1964 to 1970 he was with the
Westinghouse Research and Development Center, leaving there to start a number
of engineering and research corporations. Dr. Tuba considers his crown
accomplishment to be the founding of the International Technology Institute in

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As a youth in the late 1940's and particularly in the early 50's in his native
Hungary, then a Soviet communist-controlled country, the writer was subjected
to significant indoctrination in their economic ideology. This took place not
only in school but also at home since his father was an underground leader of
the Social Democratic Party of Hungary, which maintained dangerous ties to the
British labor movements.

Central to the theme of this Ideology was the concept that most of the wealth
is generated by industrial and farm labor and that power, therefore, must be
in the hands of the proletariat. From his father, he was bombarded with the
notion that all humans are users of wealth generated by society, but not all
humans are generators of that wealth and thus the generators should be the
natural choice for determining how the wealth should be used.

These exposures made a significant impact on the writer, but failed to convert
him to communism or socialism. On the contrary, they acted as eye openers and
starting points for seeking the absolute truth, without any labels attached.

While there was a certain degree of attractiveness to these premises, he began
to sense there were missing elements, which he summarized in a few questions:

 . What is wealth?
 ˇ What should be society's goal?
 ˇ What resources are available to achieve the goal?
 ˇ What are the realistic limits and constraints?
 ˇ What are the best mechanisms to achieve the goal?
 ˇ What are the roles of the different segments of
   society in the wealth generation process?

Putting aside all previous definitions and labels, significant understanding
has developed just by trying to answer some of these questions.

For example, the "wealth" of a society can be defined to mean whatever
controls the level of SQ in an indefinitely maintainable safe and secure

The "goal" of society should be to continually increase the wealth of society
by utilizing all of its available resources and continually create new

In 1955 in Budapest, Hungary, the writer defined a "Third Resource" as "Human-
Generated." This in addition to the commonly accepted two, i.e. Natural and

Therefore, the "available resources" can be listed under three major

I. Natural Resources: Sun, Earth, Land, Soil, Water, Air, Plants, Animals,
Minerals, etc.

II. Human Resources: People - there are three principal subdivisions:

 1. Ability to work,
 2. Talent to create, and
 3. Intelligence to decide and make wise selections from  possible choices and

III. Human-Generated Resources: There are two principal sub divisions:

 1. Technology -- Know-how, Information, Knowledge, Techniques and Tools, New
Materials,     and so on.

 2. Capital (money)-- as a strategic planning tool and as a measure of
generated but          yet unconsumed wealth passed on from generation to

The addition of technology and strategic capital as wealth-generating
resources affect both prevailing ideologies -- communistic and capitalistic.

The communists, of course, were quite clear in their definition of the role of
capital. "Capital is the tool of the employer to exploit the workers and a
tool of the capitalistic 
countries of the world to exploit the rest of the world."

In the capitalistic system it was beleived that capital (particularly in the
form of money) was the principal motivator of the economy. The validity of
this premise has already been challanged from within. (Dr. Robert Solow, MIT,
Nobel Price in Economics)

The disparities in the two economic ideologies, and therefore in the political
ideologies, have been the source of world unrest for decades. 

The writer believes it is possible to begin a process of change in both
ideologies that will enhance world peace and prosperity.

Today, in the post-Cold War era, and with growing globalization of the
economy, it is felt essential that a new concept of economic Ideology, a
Universal Ideology of Economics, be developed and inculcated in the world
population. It is firmly believed that this is an idea whose time has come.
And there is good cause to think it can be successful, if action is taken with
expedition and vigor.


 2.1 The Goal

There is, presently a universal goal: to have sufficient wealth available for
consumption and enjoyment. Every individual is a consumer. We all wish for an
ever-improving SQ coupled with a safe and secure environment. Naturally, there
are cases that depart from such a simplistic statement. However, we wish to
view society first as a whole and then recognize the disparities.

 2.2 Available Resources

The three major resources available to satisfy human aspirations through
economic activities have been presented - natural, human and human-generated.

The writer's understanding of Capital as a strategic, executive tool came
after his arrival in the U.S. in 1956. He began to recognize that money,
although itself is not capable of generating wealth, can act as the necessary
catalyst on the other resources -- natural, human labor and technology. It
must be recognized that the focus is not on the role of money in the exchange
process of propetty and services. The focus is on capital's strategic role in
wealth-generation alone.

The writer's area of advocacy for many years has been in "technology", one of
the human-generated resources. It has been stated in many different ways, that
technology is a most valuable resource and will be responsible for the
generation of new-wealth at a much higher rate than the human race has ever
experienced. The mere generation of new-wealth is not the whole story however.

  2.3 Creation-Related Activities

For the world population to achieve the goal of improved SQ in a safe and
secure environment, new-wealth must be generated continuously. This process
must be
understood by the world population in order for any universal economic
ideology to be created and be successful. Part of this understanding requires
recognition of the major groups involved in what has been termed "Creation-
Related Activities."

The Activity Groups of Society, based on overall impact on society, fall into
two major divisions : Use-Related and Creation-Related Activity Groups.

  I. Use-Related Activities

Every living person is a user of wealth, enjoying a certain level of SQ made
possible by nature and created by society. Each one is a consumer, a Non-
creating activity.

The purpose of all Creating Activity is to increase the wealth available for
consumption and improving the Quality of Life.

  II. Creation-Related Activity Groups

There is an almost continuous spectrum of activity area from the highly
desirable, to the neutral to the highly undesirable exercised by various
segments of society. Eight major categories will be listed here, with a few
subcategories, for illustration purposes. The purpose of all Creating Activity
is to increase the wealth available for consumption and improving the Quality
of Life.

1. Creators of new resources -- creators of the new means by which wealth can
be created with less energy and human effort than was possible before.
Engineers, scientists and technologists are in this group, certain educators
belong here also, depending on the subject areas.

2. The right decision makers -- in utilizing resources in SQ generation. These
may include investors, corporate executives, government leaders, educators,
etc. The voters who select some of these.

3. Wealth generators, maintainers and improvers of the Standard of Living -
farmers, food processors, industrial corporations and workers, shippers,
builders, and so on.

4. Quality of Life maintainers and improvers -- health professionals,
entertainers, sportsmen, artists, etc. certain educators belong here also,
depending on the subject areas.

5. Redistributors of wealth -many government operations fhmugh taxation
systems and other indirect means, such as imposing laws, rules and regulations

6. Non-participants -- there is an ever-increasing number of sub categories.

Babies, children, ill or disabled, aged. Society should take care of them.

Students--deserve special attention because of what they learn will influence
what they may become, which in turn will decide the category to which they
belong when they become active.

The protectors--law enforcement, police, military.

The Unemployed, due to economic circumstances

7. The wrong decision makers -- in utilizing resources in SQ generation These
may include investors, corporate executives, government leaders, educators,
etc. The voters who select some of these.

8. Abusers and Manipulators.

Freeloaders, criminals incarcerated or among society.

Financial manipulators - who create nothing, just manipulate others. (These
should not be confused with the genuine capitalist who use capital as a
strategic tool to create new-wealth for society and themselves by ivesting in
wealth-creating enterprises.)

All eight groups have direct and indirect components.

Every individual, government body, business and corporation, organization and
activity falls in one or more of the above categories.

The education necessary on a world scale is to develop an awareness of how the
system works, who is in what activity, and the benefits or consequences
emanating from each group activity. (It is also interesting to study how
society rewards the members of the various groups.)

  2.4 The Ideology

The proposed Universal Ideology of Economics is so simple that, once stated,
it appears trivial.

It involves:

1) establishing the proper goals toward SQ improvement in a safe and secure

2) recognizing the resources available, including the increasingly important
Third    Resource: and

3) providing a favorable environment so the new-resource creators, the wealth-
generators and the quality-of-life Improvers can exercisetheir creative
activities without excessive control from the redistributers, some non-
participants, manipulators, and abusers.

The political phenomenon of the decade is the shift to democracy by so many
governments in the world. This, naturally, is hailed as a most positive change
from the oppressive systems that were in effect. There is, however, a danger
in the situation that could result in a disastrous pendulum swing of

A democratic society, to be successful, requires a knowledgeable society

  -- knowledgeable about the goals of society

  -- knowledgeable about the resources available, and

  -- knowledgeable about the mechanisms and roles of the various activities
that make up      that society.

The citizens of those communistic/socialistic countries, indoctrinated so
thoroughly in the philosophies of proletariat control, face a tremendous
relearning process about the value and process of wealth generation.

And in our own country, the cradle of democracy, the abuses of the
manipulators, the increasing number of nonparticipants, and the corresponding
reliance on the redistributers of wealth are threatening the foundation of the
system we hail.

3.0 The Proposal

The writer's proposal is purposely kept simple. The world needs to develop a
Universal Ideology of Economics that is understood by the people, the
politicians, the technologists and the economists. The adoption of such a
common, universal understanding is necessary for effective and effecient
progress toward world peace and world prosperity

The process toward achieving such an understanding must start with open debate
on the concept, the ideology and the method of dissemination of the resulting
ideology to the world populationˇ The time for such a debate is at hand.

Send your comments to:<A HREF="mailto:"> </A>  

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Bibliography of writings by Dr. I. S. Tuba on this subject:

"A harmadik ero"forras," (Tne Third Resource),  Istvan Tuba, 1955, Budapest,

"Comments on the Tuba Doctrines," Ist VanStephen, International Technology
Institute,  1985.; TECHNOTIMES, May 1985.

"Technology Transfer and the Ideological Defense Initiative," Iˇ Sˇ Tuba,
Technology Transfer Society, International Symposium Proceedings, June 1986,
Indianapolis, Indiana.

 "An interview with Dr. I. S. Tuba, Founder of International Technology
Institute and of the Ten-Level, Worldwide Hall of Fame for Engineering,
Science and Technology (HOFEST)," TECHNOTIMES, July 1989.

"The Universal Ideology of Economics:...a proposal", Proceedings,
International Congress on Technology and Technology Exchange, pp. 58-60,
ICTTE90, November 6-8, 1990.

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