Hollosi Information eXchange /HIX/
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Megrendelés Lemondás
1 Re: Re- Appeal (mind)  30 sor     (cikkei)
2 Re: Spelling the name of the country (mind)  18 sor     (cikkei)
3 Re: Re- Appeal (mind)  12 sor     (cikkei)
4 Informations (mind)  11 sor     (cikkei)
5 Re: Romanian vs. Romanian (mind)  47 sor     (cikkei)
6 Re: Clinton-Iliescu Meeting (mind)  49 sor     (cikkei)
7 translation program (mind)  7 sor     (cikkei)
8 Re: Re: Spelling the name of the country (mind)  40 sor     (cikkei)
9 Re: Tom s 2 line messages (mind)  40 sor     (cikkei)
10 Re: The Rules of the Game (mind)  54 sor     (cikkei)
11 Re: SCM: Re: Re- Appeal (mind)  20 sor     (cikkei)
12 Hungarian is going "home" (mind)  7 sor     (cikkei)
13 E-mail addresses of Chamber of Commerce in Hungary? (mind)  36 sor     (cikkei)
14 Re: Clinton-Iliescu Meeting (mind)  24 sor     (cikkei)
15 Looking for partner to rent an apt. in Bp (mind)  8 sor     (cikkei)
16 Re: Do You Know a Nice Girl Who Would Like to Study/Liv (mind)  2 sor     (cikkei)
17 Re: Clinton-Iliescu Meeting (mind)  51 sor     (cikkei)
18 Re: SCM: Romania vs Rumania and its RUmania! (mind)  42 sor     (cikkei)
19 rUmania vs rOmania mania (mind)  54 sor     (cikkei)
20 Re: SCM: Tom s 2 line messages (mind)  11 sor     (cikkei)
21 Romania vs Rumania (mind)  74 sor     (cikkei)
22 Re: Clinton-Iliescu Meeting (mind)  30 sor     (cikkei)
23 Re: Clinton-Iliescu Meeting (mind)  18 sor     (cikkei)
24 Re: Re- SCM- RE- Flag ban law p (mind)  51 sor     (cikkei)
25 Re: Do You Know a Nice Girl Who Would Like to Study/Liv (mind)  4 sor     (cikkei)
26 Re: Romania vs Rumania (mind)  25 sor     (cikkei)
27 Re: Romania vs Rumania (mind)  41 sor     (cikkei)
28 Re: SCM: Acosoriescu s mind (mind)  19 sor     (cikkei)
29 Submissions Wanted for World Ethnobotany CD-ROM (mind)  85 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Re: Re- Appeal (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On 29 Sep 1995, Gyorgy Kovacs wrote:

> Can you post a brief tranlation in English or Hungarian if you...
> highly appreciated.
> Regards: Gyuri

I will do my best, here it goes !

> In article >,
> Hermes  > wrote:
> >On 28 Sep 1995, Amuza Razvan wrote:
> >
> >> TERMINATI ! means - END IT (like in Shut up)
> >
> >Herr AMUZAment,
> >
> >Las-o mai moale cu indemnurile laconice de cite un cuvint,
> >prea suna a homuncul sau a 'pencil neck geek' !

Take it easier with laconic, one word cheers, you sound like
a homunculus or a pencli neck geek !

> >Vrei sa termine ?! Spune-i omului de ce ! Nu-ti place politica,
> >internetul e mare, cauta Dracula site pe WWW si te vei AMUZA !

You want him to shut up ?! Tell the man why should he ! You don't
like politics, the net is a big place go find the Dracula site on 
the WWW and amuse yourself !

+ - Re: Spelling the name of the country (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

: >> The spelling "Rumania" is prefectly correct in refering to the country
: >>that lies to East of Hungary!
: >> 
: >> The spelling "Romania" is advocated by those who accept the theory
: >>of Daco-Rumanian continuity.
: > 
: > In that case as I expected only Hungary does not accept this theory.
: >Check out some recent American dictionaries.
: >I am afraid you guys don't have much leverage.

: Why not ask the native how they want the name of the country to
: be spelled?

	Spoken like a true American: rational and pragmatic.  
Unfortunately, those are not strengths in South-Eastern Europe. :-(

+ - Re: Re- Appeal (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In > Amuza Razvan <rxa2540> writes:


Iata ca avem si un cenzor de serviciu pe s.c.r!

Dan Pop
CERN, CN Division
Mail:  CERN - PPE, Bat. 31 R-004, CH-1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland
+ - Informations (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Hi all,
I need any kind of information about Traditional Festival and celebrations in y
our country.
Please answer ONLY via e-mail.
If possible, send me the telephone number of the local Tourist Information Offi
ce, too.

Many Thanks!

Danilo Grossi
e-mail  >
+ - Re: Romanian vs. Romanian (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  (
Janos Szamosfalvi) says:
>Adrian Precup-Pop ) wrote:
>: Janos Szamosfalvi wrote:
>: >My only comment is that while Rumanians have the power to call
>: themselves
>: >antything they wish, I don't think they can change American English
>: I am quoting from The Oxford Dictionary of Current English,
>: Oxford University Press, 1992:
>: Romanian 1. of Romania
>:          2. native or language of Romania
>: Rumanian var. of Romanian.
>:          ---
>: I did not know that there is a language called American English.
>Ever heard of dialects?

Hey guys, 

In Britain there is a clear distinction between British English and 
American English. 

American English has been diverging from its mother English ever since
the days of George Washington. 

Check out DICTIONARIES OF AMERICAN ENGLISH, which are obtainable in 
Britain, as opposed to Her Majesty's sanctified version. American grammar
can be very different too.



      George Szaszvari
      DCPS Chess Club
      42 Alleyn Park     ******************************
      London SE21 7AA    e-mail: 
      United Kingdom     ******************************
      Planet Earth
      Milky Way Galaxy
 Interested in secondhand chess books? E-mail me for my list!
+ - Re: Clinton-Iliescu Meeting (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

 (Alen Docef) wrote:
> 1994 CIA world factbook
> (http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/94fact/country/199.html)
> says:
> Romania
> Population: 23,181,415 (July 1994 est.) 
> Ethnic divisions: Romanian 89.1%, Hungarian 8.9%
> Calculator (/usr/openwin/bin/calctool)
> says:
> 23181415 * 0.089 =~ 2.063 mil.
> Other sources are welcome.
> -- 
> Alen Docef
By going  to such extreme lengths to bring down the number of Hungarians living
on the  territory of present day Romania, you are revealing  the prevailing 
genocidal tendencies of the present Romanian government.
 You don't need a calculator to conclude that the Hungarian 
population of Romania is diminishing . This is exactly the point that what we a
trying to make at the time of  with Mr. Iliescu's visit to US.

The present treatment of ethnic Hungarians by the Romanian
government is not a matter of arithmetic, but a question of 
living up to a set of international standards and obligations.
What you are saying, is that bringing up this subject is wrong, because the 
Romanian government is trampling the human rights of only 2.063 human 
beings who happen to be Hungarians. 
In human terms it is the quality of our despair  that counts, not
the census of the Ceasars.

Peter Kaslik
Hungarian Human Rights Monitor, Toronto
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> email:            Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
> Phone (W): (404) 894-4813     School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
> Phone (H): (404) 873-0285                   Georgia Institute of Technology
> FAX:       (404) 894-8363                       ECE Van Leer Building C-449
> WWW: http://www.ee.gatech.edu/users/alen        Atlanta, GA 30332-0250, USA
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ - translation program (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Hello Everybody
                           I'm still looking for a translation program
for the Hungarian-English language.If I don't find it I'm going to
have to bother somebody to be my translator.Have we got anybody on this
newsgroup that is actually posting from Hungary?I'm looking for somebody
from Nagykaniza,Letenye,Totszentmarton area,but I'll probably settle
for somebody in Budapest.Thank you
+ - Re: Re: Spelling the name of the country (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

> Path:
> From:  (Alexander Bossy)
>  wrote:
> : >> The spelling "Rumania" is prefectly correct in refering to the
> : >>that lies to East of Hungary!
> : >>
> : >> The spelling "Romania" is advocated by those who accept the
> : >>of Daco-Rumanian continuity.
> : >
> : > In that case as I expected only Hungary does not accept this theory.
> : >Check out some recent American dictionaries.
> : >I am afraid you guys don't have much leverage.
> : Why not ask the native how they want the name of the country to
> : be spelled?
>         Spoken like a true American: rational and pragmatic.
> Unfortunately, those are not strengths in South-Eastern Europe. :-(
>         Alexander


Watch out though.  Most Hungarians consider their country and
themselves to be part of CENTRAL Europe.
Geographicaly, they are right, if you consider the Urals to be at the edge
of Europe, and for that matter Romania is also CENTRAL.
I think that Central-Southern is the best description of both countries.  
It's a longer way to Lapland than Crete.
As far as mentality, ... it really depends on the amount of "palinka"
(tuica, rachiu, slibovita, etc.) ! (If you know what I mean !)

+ - Re: Tom s 2 line messages (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

>From:  (Tom Angi)
>These Rumanians are prefectly boring, Gyuri.  It's strange that they
>misspell their country when refering to Rumania!
 Well, mister perfect excuse us, but I'd really like to find out from an expert
 like you how 
does one misspell a country???  If you pretend to be so good at spelling, maybe
 a few syntax 
lessons in the English language will help you realize that one cannot misspell 
a country but 
maybe it's name.  Even with this into account, you sure cannot be an expert in 
the spelling of 
a country you were not born, lived or spent any significant amount of time in. 

Another point I'd like to make is that spelling of proper nouns is depending on
 one's language 
in general, and on the country of origin's language in particular.  While Engli
sh speaking 
people spell Poland the way they do,  Polish people might spell it Polska, Roma
nians might 
spell it Polonia as will Italians, etc, etc.  as far as I know there is not set
standard, but you certainly prove yourself what a big fool you are in jumping t
o such a 
ludicrous statement.

And if you're going to blast someone about spelling, you better take some spell
ing lessons 
first.  The way you spell "prefectly " and "refering "  proves the kind a moron
 you must be.

Marius Baciu   
> --------------------------------------------------------
All opinions are my own.
Anyone else expressing opinions should pay me royalties.
You will hear from my lawyer.
> --------------------------------------------------------
+ - Re: The Rules of the Game (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Gotthard Saghi-Szabo > wrote:
> On 15 Sep 1995 Peter@.MISSING-HOST-NAME. wrote:
> ....
> > Who decides on this matters and what are the rules?
> ....
> Dear Peter, 
> Please, read the articles and in the news.announce.newusers group. Those 
> are quite useful for every beginner. Usenet specific questions  might be 
> answered faster in the news.newusers.questions group. Also, there are 
> plenty of books about network services that deal with Usenet.
> Different news readers treat read articles differently. Some cases you 
> have to explicitly delete the news (pine), other readers (trn, Netscape) 
> automatically hide articles that you have already read.
> Different news servers delete (expire) news articles after a different 
> period of time automatically. You can also set expiraton date for the 
> articles you post. If you think your articles have been deleted at your 
> LOCAL news site  (I could not see evidence for that at any other site I can 
> reach), please, complain to your news administrator or change the news 
> server you are downloading your articles from. 
> Take care,
> Gotthard

Dear Gotthard

You have reduced my question to a technicality. 
I specifically asked why do questions dealing with 
the predicament of Hungarian ethnic communities for example
have very "short life" on soc.culture.magyar, while a 
subject detailing the history of Auschwitz is remains on 
your newsgroup much longer.
As far as I know it is also customary on the Usenet to quote the original messa
which you have avoided to do in your posting. This would be o.k
in a direct response to the sender.
Why didn't you quote my original message?
What are the rules of the game?

Peter Kaslik
Tel/Fax:(416) 259-0877
113 Waniska Ave, Toronto, ON.Canada
M8Y 1R5

> --
> mailto:
> http://mineral.umd.edu/~gotthard/
+ - Re: SCM: Re: Re- Appeal (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In the latest message "Mozilla?" wrote :


I am beginning to get real bored with Rumanian (Romanian?) messages. The
spelling of the Country does not really matter, we all know what Country we
are talking about.However, posting notes in languages other than English
(or Hungarian) is ridiculous. Very soon we will use a dozen of languages to
make stupid arguments. How about Portuguese, German, French, or Spanish? Or
we might as well include Chinese.

Come on guys, let's stick to English (I believe the official language in
the U.S. Or do you want to impress us with your linguistic "ability" ? Or
maybe you are afraid to say it in English?

One more remark, if you cannot agree on a trivial argument such as these
last two dozen messages about "Ru(o)mania", how do you expect to agree on
anything else?
+ - Hungarian is going "home" (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

"Home" is actually Ohio, and it's not my real home. But since I 
 figured many of the U.S. hungarian pupulation is living in 
 Ohio. So if you are in the Cincinnati area drop me your
 e-mail address.(if you are a pretty single woman even better)
 I am moving out of Colorado on some day mid October.
+ - E-mail addresses of Chamber of Commerce in Hungary? (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)


Could somebody send me e-mail addreses or (WWW) of Chamber of
Commerce, trade associations or maybe even business-related government
organizations in Hungary?  Thanks. Keszenem.

Ross >

Have you subscribed to EEUROPE-BUSINESS yet?

There is a mailing list EEUROPE-BUSINESS,  which is dedicated to
doing business in Eastern Europe - with clear mission that
subscribers are able  to post in it their offers and requests,
commercial or non-commercial (as long as they are related to
Eastern Europe), business leads (from and for Eastern Europe).
Advertisements (for goods which are saleable to Eastern Europe)
are welcomed (not discouraged). List is NOT moderated - this is
intentional feature (abusers are flamed by other subscribers :-) )
Please switch into DIGEST mode immediately after subscribing
- especially if you pay for every e-mail message (this maillist is a
busy place!)

You can subscribe by sending mail  <SUBSCRIBE EEUROPE-BUSINESS>
to >. After you will receive confirmation
"you are now subscribed to EEUROPE-BUSINESS" then send another
and this will switch you into digest mode. 
The list is controlled by sending mail to >.
If you send it a message with <help> in the message body, it will
respond by sending you a list of the commands it knows.
Mailing address for posting is: >.
> -----------------------------------------------------------
Ross Hedvicek  
> -----------------------------------------
+ - Re: Clinton-Iliescu Meeting (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On 30 Sep 1995 Peter@.MISSING-HOST-NAME. wrote:

> What you are saying, is that bringing up this subject is wrong, because the 
> Romanian government is trampling the human rights of only 2.063 human 
> beings who happen to be Hungarians. 

There is a fine line between 'human rights' and a minority demanding more 
than it is due.
A lot of this fuss may be the result of an overeaction of the Romanian 
legislature, when faced with an escalation of Hungarian demands - some
legitimate and some not.
Issue, that time, patience and common sense will not fail to remedy !
> In human terms it is the quality of our despair  that counts, not
> the census of the Ceasars.

In human terms, I wonder, how does the quality of your despair fare when
compared to those of other minorities, in Indonesia, Irak, Serbia, or 
last but not least, to the squalarous discrimination faced by native 
americans in many a reservation ?

> Peter Kaslik
> Hungarian Human Rights Monitor, Toronto

m. cristian
+ - Looking for partner to rent an apt. in Bp (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Sorry if this is a wrong newsgroup for such postings...

I look for a companion to rent an apartmnet together in Budapest from
January, 1996. If you are interested, want know detaild etc., please
write me directly to:

+ - Re: Do You Know a Nice Girl Who Would Like to Study/Liv (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

I DO KNOW TWO GIRLS LIKE THAT.  Why are you asking? Trying to get 
+ - Re: Clinton-Iliescu Meeting (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In > Peter  (Pe
ter Kaslik) writes:

>By going  to such extreme lengths to bring down the number of Hungarians livin
>on the  territory of present day Romania, you are revealing  the prevailing 
>genocidal tendencies of the present Romanian government.
> You don't need a calculator to conclude that the Hungarian 
>population of Romania is diminishing. 

Could you back this assertion with some hard data?
While you're at it, you might want (or maybe not :-) to post some
data about the dynamics of the Romanian population in Hungaria during
the same period.

>This is exactly the point that what we are 
>trying to make at the time of  with Mr. Iliescu's visit to US.

Then, you are wasting your time.
>The present treatment of ethnic Hungarians by the Romanian
>government is not a matter of arithmetic, but a question of 
>living up to a set of international standards and obligations.

Could you also post the list of international standards and obligations
that weren't respected by the Romanian government, WRT to Hungarians
(and/or other minorities)?  The representants of various international
organizations who came in Romania to investigate this matter couldn't
find anything wrong.  But maybe you know more.

>What you are saying, is that bringing up this subject is wrong, because the 
>Romanian government is trampling the human rights of only 2.063 human 
>beings who happen to be Hungarians. 

Yet another assertion that has to be backed with hard data.

>In human terms it is the quality of our despair  that counts, not
>the census of the Ceasars.

The quality of your despair is completely irrelevant as long as you don't
provide the hard facts which caused it.

Anyway, for some obscure reasons, the Hungarians from USA and Canada seem
seem to despair orders of magnitude more than those from Transylvania.

Dan Pop
CERN, CN Division
Mail:  CERN - PPE, Bat. 31 R-004, CH-1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland
+ - Re: SCM: Romania vs Rumania and its RUmania! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)


        That said, the one true measure of the generally accepted
spelling of any word is the way it shows in scholarly works, in news
magazines, and in dailies.  I can testify based on a great number of
books I've consulted at different times; on a weekly reading of The
Economist and Newsweek; and a daily perusal of The Financial Times, The
Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times: all of these established
publications, covering a wide geographical as well as ideological
territory, agree on Romania as the correct spelling.  In fact, a NEXIS
search that included many other publications (the W Post, the C Tribune,
the SF Chronicle, IHT, whatever) never returned Rumania as a response.
        I should hope this is settled now.
        Finally, I am not willing (and honestly hope that nobody else iseither)
Daco-Roman continuity is bogus.  I think arguments in favour of that
abound in such a fashion that denying said continuity is akin to saying
that the Holocaust hasn't taken place.  That said, best reagrds and a
good Sunday to everyone.

        -Matei Petru Muresan, who wishes that the annoying "Fight
anti-immigration", "Colour black", and "Translate shit" threads could be
killed just as easily.

Matthew Peter Muresan, Trumbull;                         Yale-College 1996

The theory of Daco-Rumanian continuity is nothing more than a poor attempt
to rewrite history to suit Rumanian political needs!

There must be something in Rumanian genes that makes Rumanians think that
they can force anyone (outside of the Rumanian "democracy") to spell 
Rumania as Romania.

There is a holocaust--a holocaust against Magyars in Erdely.  One that has
been going on since 1918.

Tom Angi
+ - rUmania vs rOmania mania (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)



>From:  (Tom Angi)
>These Rumanians are prefectly boring, Gyuri.  It's strange that they
>misspell their country when refering to Rumania!
 Well, mister perfect excuse us, but I'd really like to find out from an
expert like you how does one misspell a country???  If you pretend to be so
good at spelling, maybe a few syntax lessons in the English language willhelp y
a country you were not born, lived or spent any significant amount of time in.

Another point I'd like to make is that spelling of proper nouns is depending
on one's language in general, and on the country of origin's language in
particular.  While English speaking people spell Poland the way they do,
Polish people might spell it Polska, Romanians might spell it Polonia as
will Italians, etc, etc.  as far as I know there is not set universal
standard, but you certainly prove yourself what a big fool you are in
jumping to such a ludicrous statement.

And if you're going to blast someone about spelling, you better take some
spelling lessons first.  The way you spell "prefectly " and "refering "
proves what kind a moron you must be.
Marius Baciu   
> ---------------------------------------------
All opinions are my own.
Anyone else expressing opinions should pay me royalties.
You will hear from my lawyer.
> ---------------------------------------------

> ----------------------------------------
Gee, Meester, if you'd have read the thread, you might have been able to
pick up on my humour (or is it humor), but I realize that sick Rumanian
minds like yours are incapable of grasping the simplist humour.

This is not Rumania, buster.  If I want to spell Rumania "Rumania", there's
not one damn thing you can do about it!

Actually, I think Vlachia is a much better way to spell it, or, even better,




What are you going to do about bub?
+ - Re: SCM: Tom s 2 line messages (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Hey, bud, the messages were sent with the complete text of the message
I was replying to.  The were sent via  (e-mail)

It seems as if the top parts didn't make it--or you can't see the humor
in my misspellings a--hole.

No matter how nasty or how condescending you try to sound with me, I'll
just outdo you.

Some of us don't like to read you long messages that say absolutely
+ - Romania vs Rumania (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In Sep 1995, many people wrote:

> >> Did you follow your own advice?  The Webster lists three different
> >> spellings: Rumania, Roumania and Romania, but the last two are
> >simply
> >> pointers to the first, which seems to be the preferred spelling in
> >> English (both British and American).
> >
> >Not anymore.  Read the newspapapers published in the US, like New
> >York Times, etc. and you'll find ROMANIA.
> >It is true that Rumania was used for example in American newspapers
> >before 1950-60, but things have changed.
> When exactly have they changed?  My Webster was printed in 1989.

Let's just clarify this once for good.
	Yes, up to the late 1950s, the generally accepted spelling was
Rumania.  This was in line with the pronunciation employed (even nowadays)
in French, German, Russian (not a Soviet ploy, seeing as it's always been
with an "u", even before 1917), Swedish and Dutch, among many others.  It
was even in line with the way many (less educated probably) Romanians have
called themselves for centuries ("rumi^n" -- just think of some ballads
and other such folklore).  It was not in line with the pronunciations
employed in a few other languages though, most notably Italian and yes,
Hungarian (I welcome corrections from s.c.m, but isn't it "Romanian"
translated by "Roman", with an accent either on the o or the a, I forget 
which one?)
	Then, American, and later British speakers realised that Rumania
is somewhat nonsensical, especially given the official spelling of the
country's name in the local language, which has been Romania for as long
as modern historiography can remember; let alone the conspicuous and
undeniable roman origins of the Romanian nation.  Thus ensued a period of
some 30 years or so, during which Romania gained more and more ground.
	Nowadays, many dictionaries still admit both versions; some only 
Romania.  There are two things to be taken into account when invoking the 
"according to Webster's dictionary..." argument (which, IMO, is a very 
Junior High Schoolish way of doing academic discourse): ONE, 
lexicographers are notoriously wary of dropping words from a dictionary, 
while being relatively open to adding proven neologisms (does anyone 
still use "thou" and "hast", except for the Nicene Creed and Lord's 
Prayer on Sunday mornings? - they're still in the dictionary, you know); 
and TWO, there is a good number of dictionaries that can't even be 
trusted, shocking as it sounds (Webster isn't a registered service mark, 
and you can buy "Websters" printed in Osh Kosh, Wisconsin for $1.00 at 
your local K-Mart).
	That said, the one true measure of the generally accepted 
spelling of any word is the way it shows in scholarly works, in news 
magazines, and in dailies.  I can testify based on a great number of 
books I've consulted at different times; on a weekly reading of The 
Economist and Newsweek; and a daily perusal of The Financial Times, The 
Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times: all of these established 
publications, covering a wide geographical as well as ideological 
territory, agree on Romania as the correct spelling.  In fact, a NEXIS 
search that included many other publications (the W Post, the C Tribune, 
the SF Chronicle, IHT, whatever) never returned Rumania as a response.
	I should hope this is settled now.
	Finally, I am not willing (and honestly hope that nobody else is 
either) to embark upon fighting any argument that would assert that the 
Daco-Roman continuity is bogus.  I think arguments in favour of that 
abound in such a fashion that denying said continuity is akin to saying 
that the Holocaust hasn't taken place.  That said, best reagrds and a 
good Sunday to everyone.

	-Matei Petru Muresan, who wishes that the annoying "Fight 
anti-immigration", "Colour black", and "Translate shit" threads could be 
killed just as easily.

Matthew Peter Muresan, Trumbull;                         Yale-College 1996
+ - Re: Clinton-Iliescu Meeting (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Peter Kaslik ) wrote:

: By going  to such extreme lengths to bring down the number of Hungarians
: living
: on the  territory of present day Romania, you are revealing  the prevailing 
: genocidal tendencies of the present Romanian government.

	The present neo-communist government of Romania can fairly be 
accused of many things.  But, genocide is not one of them.  Genocide 
isn't simple trampling of minority rights (to whatever extent).  It is a 
policy of mass murder of a people as a people.  Let us remember 
that the word was coined to describe what the Nazis did to the 
Jews: they sent out death squads to murder civilians indiscriminately.  
And, when that didn't prove efficient enough for them, they created 
full-scale factories of death: the death camps.
	Hungarians in Romania ARE NOT being driven into death camps.  They
are not being slaughtered by death squads.  Therefore, your use of the term 
genocide cheapens it, and makes certain that moderates like me are turned 
off of your whole argument, thus limiting any potential possitive effect 
that you could have.

: In human terms it is the quality of our despair  that counts, not
: the census of the Ceasars.

	And the real "despair" of Romania's Hungarian minority relates to 
questions of language and culture.  It isn't one of Rwanda-like (i.e., 
genocidal) slaughter.  Keep a focus on the problems, and don't pretend 
that they are so much worse than they really are.

+ - Re: Clinton-Iliescu Meeting (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Peter  (Peter Kaslik) wrote:

>What you are saying, is that bringing up this subject is wrong, because the 
>Romanian government is trampling the human rights of only 2.063 human 
>beings who happen to be Hungarians. 

You are mistaken, my friend! Mr. Iliescu's regime is not "trampling
the human rights of only 2.063 [million] human beings who happen to be
Hungarians", but on the human rights of over 23 million human beings
who happen to be citizens of Romania.

The recent Articles 205 and 206 of the Romanian Penal Code, by which
the freedom of speech, freedom of expression and the freedom of the
press have been, for all practical purposes, legally outlawed is a
flagrant violation of the human rights of all Romanian citizens
regardless of their ethnicity, sex or religion.

Dorin Taranul
+ - Re: Re- SCM- RE- Flag ban law p (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In >  writes:

> > From:  (Dan Pop)
>> Subject: Re: Re- SCM- RE- Flag ban law p
>> Xref: newshub.sdsu.edu soc.culture.magyar:15368
>> In >
>> >Not anymore.  Read the newspapapers published in the US, like New
>> >York Times, etc. and you'll find ROMANIA.
>> >It is true that Rumania was used for example in American newspapers
>> >before 1950-60, but things have changed.
>> When exactly have they changed?  My Webster was printed in 1989.
                                       ^^^^^^^                ^^^^
>For God's sake man, did you read my writing, I was talking about
>I was not talking about dictonaries that tend to list many variations
>of the same word.
>WORD USED FOR IT IS : RO.... not RU...

Your point is moot.
>You want me to post some clippings ?

No, they would be irrelevant, anyway.  The dictionary is the "supreme
court" which rules what is correct and what isn't in matters of
orthography.  And, according to the above mentioned one, "Rumania" is not
only correct, it's also the preferred form in American English (if this
has changed in newer editions I'd be glad to know).

I have nothing against the "Romania" spelling (it's the spelling I always
use).  My point is that it's plain stupid to criticisize somebody for
using the "Rumania" spelling, even if this spelling is politically
incorrect for us Romanians.  We have no control over other languages.

Dan Pop
CERN, CN Division
Mail:  CERN - PPE, Bat. 31 R-004, CH-1211 Geneve 23, Switzerland
+ - Re: Do You Know a Nice Girl Who Would Like to Study/Liv (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Has it occured to you guys that if somebody knew about such girls, he
would want to keep them for himself?  I would! ;-)

+ - Re: Romania vs Rumania (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Matthew Peter Muresan  > wrote:

>	Then, American, and later British speakers realised that Rumania
>is somewhat nonsensical, especially given the official spelling of the
>country's name in the local language, which has been Romania for as long
>as modern historiography can remember; let alone the conspicuous and
>undeniable roman origins of the Romanian nation.

Actually, it's quite deniable, and even by your reasoning it's the 
Italians who should have copywrited that name.  
But that's not why I answer. 

I think it is every language's sovereign right to call countries
anything it wants.  Romanians have no business telling how their country
should be called in English, just as Americans have no right to tell how
New York should be called in Romanian.  However, by belly-aching about
it long enough, a country can influence such changes in the language of
other countries.  This has been especially successfully done in the last
few decades when Peking became Beijing, Cambodia became Campuchea, you
name it.  So Romania is on the same track now and given the general
trend of political correctness and aversion by mainstream western 
publishers of controversies, the renaming is succeeding.

+ - Re: Romania vs Rumania (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Matthew Peter Muresan > wrote:
>	Finally, I am not willing (and honestly hope that nobody else is 
>either) to embark upon fighting any argument that would assert that the 
>Daco-Roman continuity is bogus.  I think arguments in favour of that 
>abound in such a fashion that denying said continuity is akin to saying 
>that the Holocaust hasn't taken place.  That said, best reagrds and a 
>good Sunday to everyone.

>	-Matei Petru Muresan, who wishes that the annoying "Fight 
>anti-immigration", "Colour black", and "Translate shit" threads could be 
>killed just as easily.

I subscribe to your opinion.
The title of thread Romania vs. Rumania is a metaphor too.
It goes on and on daily on SCR.


who wishes he could have lived without facing the threads "Jews..."
every time he speaks about weather.


Secret literary agent, 
failed playboy and proud father and husband,
hoping to read a posting of Rosca which describes the beauty of a
flower, and unable to talk to himself in any other language but 

Now I know. The french speling is the best; Roumanie!

Vive La  Roumanie!

>Matthew Peter Muresan, Trumbull;                         Yale-College 1996
+ - Re: SCM: Acosoriescu s mind (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)


Ok, Tomi boy, Can you try a 3 liner next time ?
Or is it too much effort for you  ?
You might become "prefectly" funny  and it might be "prefectly" OK to
use a speller at your "prefectly" convenient time !

Yours  "prefectly" sic..kly,


> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Is this the best that a Rumanian can post?  I'm so glad that you can't
get most favored nation trade status on a permanent basis.  Are you guys
too busy rewriting history to fit your needs?  Or are you too busy writing
stupid posts to e-mail the President.

What are you going to do, Olaj?
+ - Submissions Wanted for World Ethnobotany CD-ROM (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Overmind Software is accepting submissions for an ethnobotanical database
of world-wide uses of plants, to be released on CD ROM in 1996. Submissions
may be made via e-mail and should be in the following format: 
(Plant Name) 
(Plant Name) 
(Plant Name) 
Examples of Plant Names:  
Anethum graveolens, Chondrus crispus, Manihot esculenta  
- or - 
tomato, pasque flower, sheep sorrel 
Examples of Categories and Detail: 
Category = Action  
Detail = aphrodisiac, tonic, stimulant 
Category = Used to Treat 
Detail = congestion, diabetes, insomnia 
Categeory = Range 
Detail = North Africa, Siberia, Central America 
Category = Contains 
Detail = vitamin A, caffeine, potassium 
Category = Comments 
Detail = It is made into a lotion and applied to the eyes; Used in basket
making; Used to seek information from the spirit world 
The "Detail" section can be as many lines long as you like, as long as it
is followed by a blank before starting the next section. 
Here is an example of a submission: 
Vitex negundo 
An infusion of the leaves are used to treat ulcers and headaches. 
Urginea maritima 
vitamin B1 
Send submissions, questions, or comments to: 
- or - 
- or - 
For more information about Overmind Software and this particular project,
visit our home page: 
- Tim Johnson 
Overmind Software 
San Francisco, CA